

Facility engineering
OEM/ODM Equipment
Medical materials development & manufacturing
Medical materials development & manufacturing

Material analysis

Product Description

Spray laser particle size analyzer, SLPSA

This device uses laser diffraction (ISO-13320-1:1999) to perform contactless measurement of liquid (or fog) droplets emitted by small spray devices, allowing analysis of particle size.

Check item:The size of granule

Resolution:0.1-100 um

Atomic absorption spectrometer, AAS

Via a burner, a sample is turned into gaseous atoms, which are then subjected to specific light source wavelengths. The device uses absorption and concentration values to quantitatively analyze trace elements in the sample. This machine can detect the levels of trace elements present in a large variety of sample types.

Check item:Pd,Ni,Co

Resolution:0.2,0.7,1.3,2.0 L/nm


Measures viscosity in a large variety of sample types; for use in product quality management and research analysis.

Check item:fluid viscosity

Viscosity range:3~180 mPa.s